The Sag/Monkey Side of Me

This is my favorite blog.

I have fun and let loose with my ideas.

I'm very serious in many ways (I can't help it, I'm a double Capricorn)--and I'm a shaman (which is pretty serious stuff) but I also have a Sagittarius Rising sign. This means I can also be very gregarious and outspoken and playful. I'm a monkey in Chinese Astrology-which makes it hard to keep my playful/Sag side under wraps. So here I am, a happy monkey unwrapping my gifts for you...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 21st

Hi All.
The cleansing Violet Flame of St. Michael 

It's almost December 21st.  The day of the Great Galactic Alignment.  

Prepare yourself as best you can by cleansing your energy field of anger, fear, resentment, and other low vibrations.

Call upon St. Michael's Violet Flame to move through you to remove stuck energies.  Ask yourself who you need to forgive and go through the list and in your mind and heart.

The Mayan Calender ends on December 21, 2012--not because the world will end on that day-- but because on this day we, as humans, are being given the clear opportunity to begin (in a much faster way) to create our own world with our thoughts and beliefs and feelings.  The Mayans did not know how we would choose at this point, thus the calender ended.

ABRACADABRA means as I speak I create.

It is also true that what you think in your mind and you feel in your heart --you CREATE in the world.  Paint the world with beautiful colors.  IMAGINE PEACE. Send thoughts of love and peace to the school children who passed over in Connecticut.  We do not need more anger on the earth right now.

This Light which will enter the Earth will have a purging, cleansing and uplifting effect for those who are open to its Blessings.  If you want to stay in the lower vibrational field of thoughts, then it will not have much effect, except you may want to run and hide!

Breath love into your heart for Yourself --and for the Earth and all Beings upon Her.

One health tip for today--MOST ALL ILLNESSES CAN BE TRACED TO AN ACIDIC BODY.  I read somewhere (not sure of it's origin) that anyone who has had cancer had an acidic body.  The article indicted that cancer cannot grow in a balanced body.

Foods and drinks which are acid are: white flour products (yes, pasta), sugar, ALL ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS ARE TERRIBLE FOR YOU, coffee, tea, wine, meat.  This is a very very short list--but  google " google acid-causing foods"  to find complete lists.  Keep your body in balance and illness and disharmony has less opportunity to settle itself inside of you.

Love and Blessings, Bethesda.

Monday, December 10, 2012

How to avoid liver spots

1. First and foremost --- keep your liver clean.  If you feel your liver is on overload (this can happen for many reasons including a toxic levels of pharmaceutical drugs or other addictive substances in your body) do a thorough cleanse using dandelion root. My best supplier is Blessed Maine Herbs (in Maine, not surprisingly).  If you can pick dandelion roots in the fall after the first frost--then tincture them (I can tell you how to do this easily if you ask in the comment section)--you have your own supply. It takes about two weeks to thoroughly cleanse your liver with dandelion root.

2. Take lots of hot baths with baking soda.  Baking soda draws impurities out of your body.  The hot water opens your pores.   I know a woman in her mid-sixties who has the skin of a teenager--no liver spots anywhere on her body--she attributes it all to baking soda baths.

3.  Scrub your skin well with hot water, a loofah and soap--even the tops of your hands.  This keeps fresh energy moving under your skin.

4.  Keep on top of your emotions!  Anger is stored in your liver.  Keep anger moving out of your body by expressing it in ways that do not harm your or anyone else.  You can dig a hole in the earth and scream into and then thank Mother Earth for taking your pain. Call on your power animals to help remove stuck anger energy in your liver (again, see my other blog for more information about shamanism and healing). See a therapist.

( I have actually removed liver spots by scrubbing extremely hard with a loofah and hot water and soap.  I don't recommend this, because your skin will bleed--it is kind of radical --but I can't resist being a detective in the health care arena.   It took away the dark spot, but left a white impression)

Remember everything is about vibration--raise your vibration--physically, emotionally, and spiritually-- and you overcome the negative effects of lower vibration feelings and beliefs.

Blessings, Bethesda

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I was thinking today was spiritual protection.  If we are nervous and unprotected or under attack in our workplace or at home, our beauty and health suffers.  When someone calls you a name--say a "bitch" for instance--a shaman understands this word takes a form--then this form attaches to your energy field and makes you depressed or anxious and, of course, less vibrant.  So, here is some ways to stay safe from psychic and verbal attack....


1.  BEFORE you leave your house or even get out of bed say "I call in my loving and compassionate protectors.  My warriors.   Those who love me.  My Power Animals and Angels move in close to me at this moment and for the whole day.  Thank you."

2.  CLEAR YOUR MIND OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.  Like attracts like.  If you are clear of low thoughts and feelings, those same cannot attach to you.

3.  TRUST YOU GUT INSTINCTS.  Do not rationalize.  If you feel a certain person or situation might be unsafe TRUST YOURSELF.  Women are very intuitive. 

4.  IF YOU WANT TO AVOID THE ATTENTION OF SOMEONE, CALL ON THE POWER OF FOX TO MAKE YOURSELF LESS NOTICEABLE.  This animal is the master shape shifter.  She teaches to become part of your environment.  

5.  KEEP CRYSTALS OR HERBS on your nightstand or work desk.  Protective herbs include roses, lavender, mugwort, St. John's Wort, basil (a full grown basil plant can usually be bought at Traders Joe's), cedar and sage.  The herbs can be dried or fresh. Occasionally clear your crystals in the sun.  Amethyst crystals absorb negative energies so these need to be cleared often.  

If you need more extensive help with protection or clearing you can check out my other blog--  


Please feel free to post questions or make comments! 

Blessings,  Bethesda

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


1.  Soak in hot water and baking soda in a tub (I put in a whole can of baking soda I buy at Trader Joe's)   The hot water will begin to loosen dry skin while the baking soda pulls out impurities (that cause dark spots!)

2.  After about twenty minutes (keep turning on the hot water-- if you have to--to keep the tub water hot). SCRUB your whole body--especially dry arms and legs--with a loofa scrub (if you can't afford one let me know-- I can buy them in Santa Fe for very cheap) and NATURAL soap.  

3. Have a tub or jar of coconut oil and salt mixture near the tub (this is so easy--just take a half a cup of coconut oil and put in a tablespoon of sea salt). While your skin is still pink and moist, gentle remove a  second layer of dead skin with the coconut scrub while still in the tub.  Stand in the shower for a minute or so to make sure all the dead skin and debris is removed from your body. 

4.  When you get out of the shower, gently dry off with a cotton towel.  Apply a light layer of pure coconut oil.